5 Blog Types that Drive Mobile App Growth


Content marketing is now a staple for most brands. They use valuable content—like blog posts—to provide potential customers with the information they need or want, and, in turn, build interest in their own products or services. Apps have struggled with this in the past, but can no longer afford to ignore this massive marketing trend—especially as web traffic surges because of a new propensity towards virtual business and social distancing.

The How-to Post—Even if you think your app is easy to use, users who are less familiar might not agree. Or they may have need help discovering lesser-known features or new ways to use it. You can also use the how-to post to help your users connect your mobile app to real-world solutions. If your content helps solve a problem that happens to be related to pressing news items at the time, all the better for your blog.

The Lead Magnet—Content is important, but you still need to have a marketing funnel in place, and important part of that is collecting leads. Enter the “lead magnet.” You’ll need to find ways to create content so valuable that users are willing to give you their information in return. whitepapers and ebooks tend to fall into this category.

Multimedia—We all know that people love video and can’t stop listening to podcasts. It’s important that your recognize content trends for best results, but you don’t always have to create long-form content. Video (gifs or full shorts), audio (podcasting) and infographics are a great way to draw in your readers old and new, keeping them engaged until the final word.

Curating Content—Original content is always best. However, quality is a major concern. If you don’t have the time to create original, quality content—or pay someone to do so—syndicated content is the next best bet. Become the go-to source for all the information your audience needs, and they will come back day after day, giving you a chance to expose them to more offers.

Original Research and Data—People are hungry for original research and data, especially when it helps them solve problems or answer questions. Research is incredibly time-consuming but that means you can put the meat of your research behind a registration wall, and collect user information in exchange for this valuable information.

