Earlier this year, we announced our return to in-person events with MGS GAMES. We know that many of you are still hesitant to attend an in-person gathering and are wondering why we are holding MGS GAMES while other industry conferences are canceling their in-person events. The answer is simple:
We believe COVID-19 safety protocols are here to stay for the foreseeable future and by following protocols, we can hold a safe event.
We expect to be taking extra precautions for the next two years, but believe it is also possible to safely gather the mobile community together on a local level (and that you are ready for it). If we all follow local and national guidance regarding COVID-19 prevention protocols, we can bring the community back together. We take your health and safety seriously, which is why our team has been working with the San Francisco mayor’s office to employ the highest safety standards. (Learn more about that below.)
Additionally, our Director of Operations, Tricia Mallett, is 2021 certified Pandemic Compliance Advisor (PCA). The PCA certification is provided by the Health Education Services and approved by the Events Industry Council (EIC) for all meeting industry professionals. MGA has a duty to ensure the best practices for the safest event execution are implemented onsite — your safety is our top priority.
Our hope is that by holding MGS GAMES in San Francisco, local mobile gaming publishers and studios will be able to attend, learn from our speakers, and connect with each other. Attendance is limited, so we have also made virtual passes available for those of you who cannot attend in person.
Hybrid events are the future — and will allow our entire community to continue to learn, grow, and connect while staying safe. In order to prove this model can be successful, we need you to join us, bring your vaccination card, and wear your mask!
Our Commitment to You — Health + Safety
- We will abide by state and local guidance on indoor masking, social distancing, and the density of participants.
- We will require proof of vaccination for all attendees (this includes speakers and sponsors). No exceptions! Vaccine cards will be checked prior to being allowed to enter the event, as recently mandated by the Federal Government.
- Masks and hand sanitizers will be provided to all attendees. Sanitization stations will be accessible throughout the venue as well.
- Temperature checks will also be available onsite. And you will be asked a few wellness screening questions.
- Speaker equipment will be sanitized between sessions.
- The space will be set up to support mindful mingling and social distancing.
- We will minimize contact at check-in.
- We will help minimize the need for physical contact by providing QR codes at booths and other relevant locations.
- 100% of our staff will be masked.
- We will work with venue partners to ensure the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness.