Mobile Industry Professionals: We’re Ready to Ease Back Into Physical Events

In the U.S., things are starting to open up as COVID-19 vaccinations numbers climb. From one coast to another, states are gradually — or, in some cases, not so gradually — relaxing mask mandates, restrictions on gatherings, and more. The MGA team thought it was time to survey our community and better understand how they were feeling about a return to physical conferences in 2021 and 2022. 

From questions about the timing of physical events to travel concerns, we explored attitudes about the impending return of physical events and one truth emerged: People are excited for a return to normal, and over 50% of respondents said they felt comfortable attending a physical event in 2021. Meanwhile, nearly 80% of respondents feel comfortable attending domestic conferences in 2022.


survey chart


The responses — including those entered in the “Other” option — suggest that while people are open to attending physical conferences, they still feel more comfortable remaining local. For instance, one respondent said they would attend conferences “towards the end of the year, within my own country only (unfortunately).” People want to limit travel while the U.S. and other countries continue to work toward 100% vaccination rates. In fact, vaccinations and negative COVID tests were very much on people’s minds. One respondent said their decision to attend events would depend “on the vaccination rate of the host country/city.” 

At MGA, we’re using this information to inform our strategy for our return to physical events (stay tuned for more information!) and want to share it with you, so you can get an idea of what your colleagues are thinking. 

If you’re not ready for physical events yet, but want to keep adding to your skills and connecting with your colleagues, check out our line-up of virtual events. We provide learning and networking opportunities for app marketers and publishers who are focused on achieving personal and business growth, and would love to welcome you to our community!

Get the results in their entirety below.


region: “na1”,
portalId: “5266005”,
formId: “da1df847-5f22-4476-a397-87531873a402”



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