Pull up your favorite comfy chair, get out your headphones (so you don’t bother your housemates), and set your hand sanitizer aside—Mobile Growth Summit is going virtual… and global!
We hope you’re heeding warnings to practice social distancing, putting your health—and the health of others—above less pressing concerns. That’s why we’re leading by example. We’ve already canceled our MGS Asia and MGS India shows—along with our executive retreats in Bali and Napa.
We are committed to the safety of others but are equally invested in helping the MGA community to grow and flourish. That’s why we are reimagining our U.K., LATAM, New York, and Singapore MGS events to respond to the new reality we are living in.
We know these uncertain times have you stressed about everything from your health to job security. Now, more than ever, it’s important for you to keep honing your skills, improving your app growth, and making connections on a global scale that will serve you and your career for years to come.
That’s why, instead of simply canceling those events we’re rolling them into the MGS Global Virtual Conference—a three-day extravaganza that spans four geos (Asia, South America, North America, and Europe). Attendees will have access to content from four geos, all without stepping foot on a plane. And there will be plenty of networking opportunities, just like you’ve come to expect from MGS.
Join us June 2-4, 2020 for a groundbreaking, global experience that brings the expertise of global brands to mobile growth professionals around the world. But we’re all in this together, and we need you to help us make this pioneering event a success!
They say necessity is the mother of invention, and we’re taking that old adage very seriously. As we all navigate uncharted territory, it demands we all adapt. We know the MGA community, always on the bleeding edge of technology, is ready to learn from each other and work to better yourselves and your colleagues on a global scale.
When we have more news to share, we’ll post it here—so stay tuned for updates! In the meantime, stay safe and take care of yourselves and others.
UPDATE 3/25/20: The speaker line-up is here! Visit the event page to learn more about the global mobile marketing experts who will be joining us!
3 days, 4 continents, 70+ sessions, 50+ women speakers, 100+ total speakers
UPDATE 5/18/20: The agenda is now live. Visit the event page to learn more about the three full days of content that span 4 geos and everything you need to know about growing you app.
Help purchase PPE for hospitals by registering for MGS Global Virtual Conference 1.0 for just $5.
In April, Siberia Su, and a group of friends launched MRACLE2020—a nonprofit on a mission to accelerate the flattening of the COVID-19 curve. Currently, they are raising funds for the 100K Miracle Mask Campaign to help frontline workers who need better access to personal protective equipment. MGA is teaming up with the 501(C)(3) charity to help raise money and support their worthy mission.
Visit mobilegrowthassociation.com/events/virtual to register for MGS GVC 1.0 using code MRACLE2020 and get a pass for just $5—all of which will be given to the charity.
UPDATE 5/25/20: