In 2021, Apple made App Tracking Transparency (ATT) the default for all iOS devices and completely disrupted the mobile marketing industry. App developers must now use the ATT framework if their app collects data “about end users and shares it with other companies for purposes of tracking across apps and websites.” All developers must request authorization, usually in the form of a pop-up notification, to track data in this way.
ATT opt-in rates
Data gathered in March 2022, suggests that the overall ATT opt-in rate by iOS users worldwide was 46%. With fewer than half of all Apple users consenting to be tracked across apps, mobile app marketers have had to find new ways to target users and perform mobile attribution.
As of this writing, Apple is still allowing (at least unofficially) probabilistic matching. Many MMPs and ad tech companies have developed their own solutions to help clients continue to track campaigns.
Resources for maximizing opt-in rates
Since the implementation of ATT, app marketers have been trying to perfect the art of getting the opt-in (even if Eric Seufert thinks it’s pointless). In-app messaging is key, and conveying the user benefits for tracking is key to convincing them to share their information.
- How To Increase Your ATT Opt-In Rates
- How to Maximize User IDFA Opt-In
- 5 ways to increase ATT opt-in rates
The art of in-app messaging impacts more than ATT opt-in rates. Having a good in-app messaging strategy can help you retain users, increase revenue, and more.